‘Star Citizen’ Vanished in the ‘Free Space Roaming’ Dream..

Wonder when those 10+ Star Systems arrive into ‘The Verse‘. With each to have many planets & moons available. Chris & Lead Designer ‘Rob Irwing’ spoke about them already 5+ years ago with cool comm. manager Eric ‘Wingman‘ Peterson who left CIG to develop one other game. He had those nice ‘Wingman’s Hangar‘ vids with some devs & they were amazing ❤ Shame that many of those are now there for nothing cause many features won’t arrive & some that should’ve come already are distant dream. Above mentioned friendly Lead Designer Rob Irving took part of many Q&A livestreams. Both have left Cloud Imperium Games, but not with bad terms if recall. Not saying that this amount of explorable systems should’ve been out years ago, but now at end of May 6021 (too many think is 2021) ‘The Verse‘ should have at least 3-4x Fully Explorable Star Systems & Alien Lifeforms in all of them. Just like beauty: Osiris: New Dawn has other sentient beings.

It’s great to see that O:ND have had nice comeback with development since late last year ❤ Creatures there have got more love from devs & also equipment, terrains & a lot more in past few months. I’ve been supporting it since early days & now share good word as it’s turning out to be fine gem. Here’s Nice update & also Nice one Give a like to tweet, follow & buy via Steam store Don’t let ‘mixed’ reviews state distract you cause many are from days before comeback that happened ❤ Back to SC’s lack of content release: Feel sad for SC’s lost hype for long time now cause going to mid 6021 & only 1x fully explorable star system in the verse 😦 Then new systems available to explore & hope for them to have terrains like volcano, jungle & barren planets & at least to have some sort of alien life around.. Stanton System which is the only Star System available is mostly ’empty’ cause no alien lifeform to be found. No alien fauna, not even simple plant lifeforms or amoebas inside caves / surface.

No creepy crawlies that would jump to to your helmet’s frontside & you’d have to get rid of it / em. They would appear from cave holes when you go exploring with flashlight turned on. Currently there are caves where you can travel, but really not even similar creatures to above mentioned Osiris: New Dawn has :/ Stanton system / Star Citizen’s ‘Verse’ being one of a kind Universe cause no fauna & sentient beings on planets 😀 😦 Maybe single alien lifeform appears to one & only system before Q4 this year x) *Insert teary face here*

Wonder if CIG have ‘fixed‘ the semi bad lip & voice sync after SQ42 trailer. Game that’s set into Star Citizen’s Univ. & set to be Single Player mode. Very nice details & design on many areas on it for sure. Amazing audio work that does good ear massage & Vandul buds look stunning. *Excited to see new footage now after ‘Odyssey‘ release from Frontier Devs. Station & outside walking & more in Elite Dangerous ❤ I’ll buy that SC’s €50 starter pack once at least 2x explorable s.systems are out & both Stanton & new one (likely to be Pyro) have simple or advanced alien lifeform / fauna.

It’s mind boggling to think that there are many nice space genre advs. out there that have put out cool alien fauna & creatures with fluid animations after 3-4x years of development. SC officially has 7+ years of development & more than 300mil funding & now it’s on current state :/ I hope that CIG manages to release big things before end of this year like npc’s not standing on tables (nah really bigger ones) & things be success. #Dreams #Pcgame #StarCitizen #NomansSky #EliteDangerous #LoveEliteDangerous #DreamOfHouseInTheVerse #FreelancerFan

SC Delivers..